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RENOU, JEAN DE, UFFENBACH, PETER, CHESNE, JOSEPH DU Dispensatorium Galeno chymicum: continens primo Ioannis Renodaei Institutionum pharmoceuticarum lib. V. De materia medica lib. III et Antidotarium varium et absolutissimum: secundo Iosephi Quercetani Pharmacopoeam dogmaticorum restitutam per Petrum Uffenbachium (...). Nunc ultimo revisum, et saluberrimorum medicamentorum, ac experimentorum descriptionibus, ex manu scriptis et secretis doctorum virorum locupletatum. Hanau, David Aubri, 1631.
Frontispice. Halfvellum. 4to. (XXIV), (XX), 869, (55) pp. *paper strongly browned, some old underlinings, on endpaper pasted a page with some bibliographical notes*
'Jean de Renou, latinized Renodaeus, of Coutances in Normandy, studied and graduated at Paris, became Royal Councillor and Physician, and was specially devoted to pharmacy. He did a good deal for it (...). His works were translated into French by Louis de Serres, who places him above all his predecessors in the same walk (...). He overturned a multitude of popular errors about the virtues of plants and minerals, though he himself was not devoid of some erroneous notions. Numerous editions of the 'Dispensatorium' are recorded: Paris, 1608, Frankfurt, 1609, 1615, Paris, 1623, Hanau, 1631. The works were printed with Josephus Quercetanus' 'Pharmacopoeia dogmaticorum', edited by Peter Uffenbach'. Ferguson, 235, 254, 481
Boeknummer 583530 € 500.00