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Catalogus: Literatuur - Engelse literatuur
gevonden: 39 boeken op 1 pagina


ANDERSON, G.K. The literature of the Anglo-Saxons. New York, Russell & Russell, 1962.
Boeknummer 638620 € 20.00
BEHAN, BRENDAN Bekentenissen van een Ierse rebel. Uit het Engels vertaald en van een nawoord voorzien door Ko Dooman met een inleiding van Rae Jeffs. Amsterdam, AP, 1970.
Boeknummer 633523 € 12.50
BISCHOF WAERFERTHS VON WORCESTER. Übersetzung der Dialoge Gregors des Grossen über das Leben und die Wundertaten italienischer Väter und über die Unsterblichkeit der Seelen. Einleitung von Hans Hecht. Aus dem Nachlasse von Julius Zupitza Nach einer Copie von Henry Johnson herausgegeben von Hans Hecht. Hamburg, Grand, 1907.
Boeknummer 638410 € 25.00
BYRON, G.G. LORD, Oeuvres complètes de Lord Byron. Traduction nouvelle de Louis Barré. Illustrée par Ch. Mettais, E. Bocourt, Éd. Frère. Édition Bry Ainé. Paris, Np , 1856.
Boeknummer 620490 € 50.00
BYRON, GEORGE GORDON NOEL, LORD, ROGERS, SAMUEL Lara. A tale, Jacqueline. A tale. Poems. London, J Murray, 1814.
Boeknummer 639638 € 250.00
CAMERON, K.N., (ED.) Shelley and his circle 1773-1822. The Carl H. Pforzheimer Library. Volumes I and II. Cambridge, HUP, 1961.
Boeknummer 600376 € 25.00
DEKKER, THOMAS The dramatic works of Thomas Dekker. Edited by Fredson Bowers. Complete in 4 volumes. Cambridge, UP, 1958-1970.
Boeknummer 645401 € 125.00
EARNEST, E. Expatriates and patriots. American artists, scholars, and writers in Europe. Durham, DUP, 1968.
Boeknummer 615289 € 15.00
ELIOT, T.S. De functie van de kritiek. Ingeleid, vertaald en toegelicht door Dr. J. Kuin. Kampen, Kok Agora, 1989.
Boeknummer 610971 € 10.00
FARMER, RICHARD An essay on the learning of Shakspeare. Addressed to Joseph Cradock. London, T and H Rodd, 1821.
Boeknummer 639639 € 75.00
GAY, JOHN Poetry and prose. Edited by Vinton A. Dearing with the assistance of Charles E. Beckwith. 2 volumes. Oxford, UP, 1974.
Boeknummer 638339 € 125.00
GOLDSMITH, OLIVER The vicar of Wakefield. A tale supposed to be writen by himself. In two volumes. 2 volumes in one. Glasgow, J and M Robertson, 1790.
Boeknummer 604285 € 50.00
GREIN, C.W.M. Sprachschatz angelsächsischen Dichter. Unter Mitwirkung von F. Holthausen neu herausgegeben von J.J. Köhler. Heidelberg, Winter, 1912.
Boeknummer 636899 € 15.00
IRVING, WASHINGTON Rip Van Winkle. With drawings by Arthur Rackham. London, Heinemann, 1910.
Boeknummer 636879 € 200.00
JOLAS, E. (ED.) Transition. An International Workshop for Orphic Creation. March 1932, No 21. The Hague, The Servire Press, 1932.
Boeknummer 631163 € 75.00
LEWIS, M.G. Romantic tales. In four volumes. Complete in 4 volumes. London, Longman Hurst Rees Orme, 1808.
Boeknummer 628127 € 900.00
LOHUIS, E. TEN Towards a winning of the west. Novels by East European Jewish immigrants to America and their American Offspring. Np, Np, 2003.
Boeknummer 624871 € 25.00
MACDONALD, A.A., DEKKER, K., (ED.) Rhetoric, royalty, and reality: essays on the literary culture of medieval and early modern Scotland. Paris, Peeters, 2005.
Boeknummer 625089 € 45.00
MCCARTHY, MARY Herinneringen aan mijn roomse jeugd. Vertaald door Nini Brunt. Met een nawoord van Martin Ros. Amsterdam, AP, 1979 (2e).
Boeknummer 633528 € 10.00
MILTON, J. Latin writings. A selection. Edited and translated by John K. Hale. Assen, Van Gorcum, 1998.
Boeknummer 619506 € 20.00
MILTON, J. Latin writings. A selection. Edited and translated by John K. Hale. Assen, Van Gorcum, 1998.
Boeknummer 631971 € 20.00
OTTWAY, S.M. Desiring disencumbrance. The representation of the self in autobiographical writings by seventeenth-century Englishwomen. Groningen, np , 1998.
Boeknummer 580823 € 12.50
OTWAY, T. The works of Thomas Otway. Plays, poems, and love-letters. Edited by J.C. Ghosh. 2 volumes. Complete set. Oxford, UP, 1968.
Boeknummer 610463 € 20.00
POPE, A. Minor poems. Edited by Norman Ault. Completed by John Butt. London, Methuen, 1970 (Reprint 1964).
Boeknummer 641248 € 50.00
REYNOLDS, J. The works. Edited by Edmond Malone (1797). 2 volumes. Complete set. Hildesheim, Olms, 1971.
Boeknummer 612262 € 25.00
RIGG, A.G. A history of Anglo-Latin literature 1066-1422. Cambridge, UP, 1992.
Boeknummer 637984 € 45.00
SCOTT, SIR WALTER Quentin Durward. By the author of Waverly, Peveril of the Peak, &c. Edinburgh, Archibald Constable and co and Hurst Robinson London, 1823.
Boeknummer 639982 € 125.00
SCOTT, W. Het hart van Mid-Lothian. Uit het Engelsch vertaald. Nieuwe uitgave. Herzien door M.P. Lindo. 2 delen in 1 band. Haarlem, Kruseman, 1853.
Boeknummer 620307 € 35.00
SCOTT, WALTER The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott. With notes. Complete in one volume. Brunswick, Frederick Vieweg, 1827.
Boeknummer 617512 € 50.00
SERVOTTE, HERMAN, GRAEF, O. DE, DOYEN, V. , HERTOG, E. , (ed.) Sense and transcendence. Essays in honour of Herman Servotte. Leuven, UP, 1995.
Boeknummer 627684 € 25.00
SHAKESPEARE, W. The complete works. Edited, with a glossary by W.J. Craig. London, Pordes, 1978.
Boeknummer 595278 € 10.00
SHAKESPEARE, W. A midsummer-night's dream. Amsterdam, Pont Neuf, 1946.
Boeknummer 619711 € 50.00
SHAKESPEARE, W. Shakespeare's comedy of The merchant of Venice. With illustrations by sir James D. Linton. London, Hodder and Stoughton, (1900?).
Boeknummer 637959 € 85.00
SHAKESPEARE, W. The works of William Shakspere. Edited by Charles Knight. With three hundred and forty illustrations by John Gilbert. 2 volumes. London, Routledge, 1875.
Boeknummer 644655 € 75.00
SHAKESPEARE, W., GOLLANCZ, I. (ED.) A book of homage to Shakespeare. To commemorate the three hundreth anniversary of Shakespeare's death 1916. Oxford, Humphrey Milford, 1916.
Boeknummer 636310 € 85.00
SUMMERS, M. The gothic quest. A history of the gothic novel. New York, Russell & Russell, 1964.
Boeknummer 630119 € 30.00
SWETNAM, J., HEERTUM, F.W. VAN A critical edition of Joseph Swetnam's The araigment of lewd, idle, froward, and unconstant women (1615) . Nijmegen, Cicero, 1989.
Boeknummer 15080 € 15.00
VRIEND, H.J., DE The old english Medicina de quadrupedibus. Tilburg, Gianotten, 1972.
Boeknummer 602433 € 15.00
WOOLF, VIRGINIA The letters of Virginia Woolf. Editor Nigel Nicolson. Complete in 6 volumes. London, Hogarth, 1975-1980.
Boeknummer 644608 € 500.00