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Catalogue: Philosophy - Philosophy of law
found: 54 books on 2 pages

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AL-ASSIUTY, SARWAT ANIS Genèse et évolution des doctrines philosophiques. A propos de Jhering et la pensée juridique moderne. Caire, UP, 1964.
Booknumber 643028 € 50.00
ATIYAH, P.S. Promises, morals, and law. Oxford, UP, 1981.
Booknumber 641793 € 15.00
BELL, J., Policy arguments in judicial decisions. Oxford, UP, 1983.
Booknumber 641570 € 15.00
BENDITT, T.M. Law as rule and principle. Problems of legal philosophy. Hassocks, Harvester Press, 1978.
Booknumber 641789 € 10.00
EATMAN, J.D. Law and legal obligation: a study in the legal theories of H.L.A. Hart, Jospeh Raz, and Ronald Dworkin Ann Arbor, University Microfilms International, 1983.
Booknumber 641830 € 25.00
EZRA, O. The withdrawal of rights. Rights from a different perspective. Dordrecht, Kluwer, 2002.
Booknumber 595775 € 45.00
FEINBERG, J. Rights, justice, and the bounds of liberty. Essays in social philosophy. Princeton, UP, 1980.
Booknumber 640824 € 15.00
FEINBERG, J., GROSS. H., (ED.) Philosophy of law. Belmont, Wadsworth, 1980 (2nd).
Booknumber 641557 € 12.50
FRIEDRICH, C.J. Rechtsfilosofie in historisch perspectief. Vertaling van J.A.C.J. van de Wouw. Hilversum, De Boer, 1964.
Booknumber 636409 € 10.00
GEIGER, T. Vorstudien zu einer Soziologie des Rechts. Mit einer Einleitung und internationalen Bibliographie zur Rechtssoziologie. Neuwied am Rhein, Luchterhand, 1970 (2nd).
Booknumber 626189 € 10.00
GROOT, A.J. DE, NÈVE, P.L. , COPPENS, E.C.C. , (RED.) Sine invidia communico. Opstellen aangeboden aan Prof.Dr. A.J. de Groot. Nijmegen, KUN, 1985.
Booknumber 625331 € 10.00
HART, H.L.A. Law, liberty and morality. London, OUP, 1978.
Booknumber 641828 € 10.00
HART, H.L.A. Punishment and responsibility. Essays in the philosophy of law. London, OUP, 1978.
Booknumber 641827 € 10.00
HART, H.L.A., ALMEIDA, L.D. D', EDWARDS, J., DOLCETTI, A (EDS.) Reading HLA Hart's The concept of law. Oxford, Hart, 2013.
Booknumber 643600 € 25.00
HART, H.L.A., ECKMANN, H. Rechtspositivismus und sprachanalytische Philosophie. Der Begriff des Rechts in der Rechtphilosophie H.L.A. Harts. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1969.
Booknumber 641264 € 25.00
HART, H.L.A., HACKER, P.M.S., RAZ, J., (ED.) Law, morality and society. Essays in honour of H.L.A. Hart. Oxford, UP, 1979.
Booknumber 641267 € 10.00
HART, H.L.A., HACKER, P.M.S., RAZ, J., (ED.) Law, morality and society. Essays in honour of H.L.A. Hart. Oxford, UP, 1979.
Booknumber 643751 € 10.00
HART, H.L.A., HONORÉ, A.M. Causation in law. Oxford, UP, 1978 (5th).
Booknumber 641829 € 40.00
HIRSCH, W. Law and economics. An introductory analysis. New York, Academic Press, 1979.
Booknumber 615640 € 12.50
HOOK, S., (ED.) Law and philosophy. A symposium. New York, New York University Press, 1964.
Booknumber 641265 € 15.00
JACKSON, B.S. Semiotics and legal theory. London, Routledge, 1987.
Booknumber 640823 € 12.50
KAVANAGH, A., OBERDIEK, J., (ED.) Arguing about law. London, Routledge, 2009.
Booknumber 641956 € 25.00
KIRCHHEIMER, O. Politische Justiz. Verwendung juristischer Verfahrungsmöglichkeiten zu politischen Zwecken. Frankfurt aM, EVA, 1981.
Booknumber 640882 € 12.50
KLECATSKY, H., MARCIC, R. , SCHAMBECK, H. , (Hrsg.) Die Wiener rechtstheoretische Schule. Schriften von Hans Kelsen, Adolf Merkl, Alfred Verdross. Wien/Salzburg, Europa/Pustet, 1968.
Booknumber 619686 € 300.00
LINDAHL, L. Position and change. A study in law and logic. Dordrecht, Reidel, 1977.
Booknumber 641571 € 30.00
MACCORMICK, N., BANKOWSKI, Z., (EDS.) Enlightenment, rights and revolution. Essays in legal and social philosophy. Aberdeen, UP,
Booknumber 641460 € 15.00
MARCIC, R. Rechtsphilosophie. Eine Einführung. Freiburg, Rombach, 1969.
Booknumber 641909 € 10.00
MARIS, C.W. Een natuurlijk equivalent van de plicht? Amsterdam, zu, 1979.
Booknumber 638476 € 20.00
MARIS, C.W., JACOBS, F.C.L.M., (RED.) Recht, orde en vrijheid. Een historische inleiding in de rechtsfilosofie. Met bijdragen van: G.A. den Hartogh, F.C.L.M. Jacobs, H.J.R. Kaptein e.a. Groningen, Wolters-Noordhoff, 1991.
Booknumber 635455 € 15.00
MILLER, B.M. The social rule theory of law. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms International, 1983.
Booknumber 641833 € 25.00
MOMMERS, L. Applied legal epistemology. Building a knowledge-based ontology of the legal domain. Leiden, Mommers, 2002.
Booknumber 641948 € 20.00
MOSER, A. Die Rechtskraft der natürlichen Lebenswerte. Heidelberg, Kerle, 1962.
Booknumber 566937 € 10.00
OTT, W. Der Rechtspositivismus. Kritische Würdigung auf der Grundlage eines juristischen Pragmatismus. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1976.
Booknumber 640819 € 15.00
PICONE-CHIODO, C. La conception spiritualiste et la sociologie criminelle (spiritualisme: criminalité, hystérie, folie). Trad. de l'Italien par C. Vesme. Paris, Ficker, zj.
Booknumber 622310 € 12.50
PRAKKEN, HENRY Logical tools for modelling legal argument. Amsterdam, NP , 1993.
Booknumber 641871 € 50.00
PREUSS, H. Staat, Recht und Freiheit. Aus vierzig Jahren deutscher Politik und Geschichte. Mit einer Einleitung von Theodor Heuss. Hildesheim, Olms, 2006 .
Booknumber 639253 € 25.00
PRIMORATZ, I. Justifying legal punishment. New Jersey, Humanities press, 1989.
Booknumber 584633 € 10.00
RAZ, J. The concept of a legal system. An introduction to the theory of legal system. Oxford, UP, 1980.
Booknumber 641949 € 10.00
ROMBACH, J. Opmerkingen over rechtswetenschap en logica. Deventer, Kluwer, 1963.
Booknumber 641266 € 10.00
SAWER, G. Law in society. Oxford, UP, 1973 (2nd) .
Booknumber 641945 € 10.00

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