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Chemical amusement, comprising a series of curious and instructive experiments in chemistry, which are easily performed, and unattended by danger. Fourth edition with plates and considerably enlarged. Printed for Thomas Boys.
London, Taylor, 1819.
430 pp. Sewn. Illustrations. *cover stained and damaged, hinge somewhat damaged, owner's name, some foxing, otherwise good condition*
'Frederick Accum: Operative chemist, lecturer on practical Chemistry, on mineralogy, and on Chemistry applied to arts and manufactures; member of the Royal Irish Academy of Sciences, and of the Royal Society of Arts of Berlin'
"Accum, Friedrich Christian (1769?1838), chemist, was born on 29 March 1769 at Bückeburg, Westphalia, the sixth of the seven children of Christian Accum (...) and Judith Susanne Marthe. (...) On leaving school he was apprenticed to the Brande family pharmacy at Hanover. A royal appointment as apothecary to George III was held by this business and it was in this connection that Accum transferred to the London pharmacy. (...)"
"Accum never made any significant contributions to pure chemistry, but those he made to technical and industrial chemistry were important; likewise, his activities as lecturer and author played a significant part in the diffusion of chemical practice. Apart from his membership of the Royal Institution, he corresponded with the Royal Irish Academy, the Linnean Society, and the Royal Academy of Sciences of Berlin. (...)"
Gee, B. (2016). The Oxford dictionary of national biography, article 56
Boeknummer 619353 € 150.00