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Catalogus: Filosofie - Logica, kennistheorie, taal- en analytische filosofie
gevonden: 849 boeken op 22 pagina's

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WITTGENSTEIN, L., WAUGH, A. The house of Wittgenstein. A family at war. London, Bloomsbury, 2008.
Boeknummer 635488 € 15.00
WITTGENSTEIN, L., WEININGER, O.,STERN, D.G., SZABADOS, B. (EDS.) Wittgenstein reads Weininger. Cambridge, UP, 2004.
Boeknummer 636222 € 12.50
WITTGENSTEIN, L., WRIGHT, C. Wittgenstein on the foundations of mathematics. London, Duckworth, 1980.
Boeknummer 627500 € 15.00
WRIGHT, G.H. VON Norm and action. A logical enquiry. London, Routledge, 1963.
Boeknummer 641565 € 30.00
YOLTON, J.W. Thinking and perceiving. A study in the philosophy of mind. LaSalle, Open Court, 1962.
Boeknummer 578390 € 10.00
ZASLAWSKY, D. Analyse de l'être. Essai de philosophie analytique. Paris, Minuit, 1982.
Boeknummer 591497 € 10.00
ZEIDLER-JANISZEWSKA, A., (ED.) Epistemology and history. Humanities as a philosophical problem and Jerzy Kmita's approach to it. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1996.
Boeknummer 595795 € 35.00
ZIEMBINSKI, Z. Practical logic. With the appendix on 'Deontic logic' by Z. Ziemba. Translated from the Polish by L. Ter-Oganian. Dordrecht, Reidel, 1976.
Boeknummer 617254 € 40.00
ZWART, P.J. Causaliteit. Assen, Van Gorcum, 1967.
Boeknummer 641819 € 10.00

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